Stay away from Madison, Gwendolyn, Persephone...all of Dr. Zira's actually. Minerva is ridiculous. Or better yet, find a name that means something to you personally. Then you have a story to tell.
Dude, you are so gunning for a cock punch from my Aunt Minerva. Now there's a story for you...
Congrats, forks!
Back in April, I had a student of mine who interviewed for a summer internship with Columbia. The dude with whom she interviewed mentioned several mp3 music blogs, and Tofu Hut was one of the ones he mentioned.
The suits are on to you, man!
Clues to the potential greatness of the film like in the coiffures. Everyone, even Jimmy Smits, seems to have better hair in Episode III. Perhaps a good omen this is.
Seriously, though, this film has to be better because it revolves more around Palpatine. As long as the fight scenes are solid, Hayden Christensen can't even fuck this up when McDiarmid's on screen with him. More McDiarmid screen time = better movie.
kamus: I rather like the typo actually, as I find the concept of a "Jackson Being" rather appropos. I think that's the best description I've read of him recently.
Yes! I can't play any of the Grand Theft Auto games for this very reason. I found I could play The Simpsons: Hit and Run with no problem though.
Have the same problem on the PC.
That's awesome, Side Dish! I'm jealous!
I was rooting for the Border Collie in the herding group, I was thinking the Bloodhound that won Best In Show in Portland would win.
Have Pekingnese always looked like Tribbles or was that one groomed especially...poofy?
I get two or three emails a day from the departmental secretary, usually with the aforementioned graphics (Anne Geddes babies in sunflowers, hearts, and angels, and crappy polka-dotted backgrounds). The last bout of flashing smileycons drove me to disable HTML in my email client.
Outlook abuse should be punishable by a hell of having to look at emails formatted with nothing but blink tags. The same penalty should be applied to people who forward every stupid joke email/Photoshop gag/urban legend they get. I don't even bother reading subject lines that start with "FW:" anymore.
Every once in awhile, we have to get back to our roots, lest we forget the horrors of yesteryear. It's sort of like popping in an old Journey cassette. Unbelievably stupid? Perhaps, but when was the last time you enjoyed papaya salsa? It's not just going to make itself and show up on your doorstep.
In the meantime, thanks to the inspiration of Mr. Knickerbocker I'll be working on my Badgers homage called "Salsa Salsa Salsa Salsa...Nimoy! Nimoy!".
Okay, maybe not.
I'm so sorry, SideDish. I'm getting all weepy thinking about what you're going through and I hope the pain passes soon to be replaced by happy memories.
On a side note, I'd just like to say thanks to SideDish for encouraging us to visit our local animal shelter several months ago when we were looking for a dog. I was sort of hung up on getting a full breed and didn't think we'd find a dog at the pound that was right for us. We ended up adopting a border collie/retriever mix that I never would have otherwise considered. Despite some trying times (he's an escape artist) I have grown to love that dog like a second child. He's an amazing, very loving animal and I can't imagine our family without him. So thanks again for being an advocate for pets in need of adoption and for making a difference.
I seem to remember reading a Rolling Stone interview with him a few years ago in which he refused to discuss his ethnic background. I assumed it was a professional choice to prevent him from being pidgeonholed by narrow-minded casting directors.
I'm less surprised about his ethnicity in this context than I am blown away by how scrawny he looks in that video.
Also, those are some scary 80's hootchies. I have a sudden urge to watch "Warriors".
But there's no place to store my husband's favorite recipes!
posted by Dr. Zira 19 years ago
In "Curious, Amy: This young lady needs a middle name."
Stay away from Madison, Gwendolyn, Persephone...all of Dr. Zira's actually. Minerva is ridiculous. Or better yet, find a name that means something to you personally. Then you have a story to tell. Dude, you are so gunning for a cock punch from my Aunt Minerva. Now there's a story for you...
posted by Dr. Zira 19 years ago
Isobel/Isabel Madeleine Persephone Magnolia Madison Gwendolyn PY: We know a kid named "Fennel"
posted by Dr. Zira 19 years ago
In ""The Tofu Hut isn't a building, and it's got nothing to do with soy protein.""
Congrats, forks! Back in April, I had a student of mine who interviewed for a summer internship with Columbia. The dude with whom she interviewed mentioned several mp3 music blogs, and Tofu Hut was one of the ones he mentioned. The suits are on to you, man!
posted by Dr. Zira 19 years ago
In "New Pope"
Best word of the day: "ecumenically".
posted by Dr. Zira 19 years ago
They pick the favorite, the guy who campaigned for the job? It's like they're not even trying...
posted by Dr. Zira 19 years ago
In "EPIII trailer."
Clues to the potential greatness of the film like in the coiffures. Everyone, even Jimmy Smits, seems to have better hair in Episode III. Perhaps a good omen this is. Seriously, though, this film has to be better because it revolves more around Palpatine. As long as the fight scenes are solid, Hayden Christensen can't even fuck this up when McDiarmid's on screen with him. More McDiarmid screen time = better movie.
posted by Dr. Zira 20 years ago
In "Battlestar Galactica"
Thanks for this link! I actually listened to the MP3 while I was at work today and found it quite enjoyable on its own.
posted by Dr. Zira 20 years ago
In "Someone has figured out the lyrics to 'Yellow Ledbetter' by Pearl Jam (Flash)"
Thanks for sending me into giggly spasms of sheer delight.
posted by Dr. Zira 20 years ago
In "Order a MoFiTShirt now!"
Done and done...I just sent my payment!
posted by Dr. Zira 20 years ago
In "Jaxckson Being sued by family of woman who died after being displaced by Jackson's admission to hospital for flu symptoms"
kamus: I rather like the typo actually, as I find the concept of a "Jackson Being" rather appropos. I think that's the best description I've read of him recently.
posted by Dr. Zira 20 years ago
In "Curious George"
Yes! I can't play any of the Grand Theft Auto games for this very reason. I found I could play The Simpsons: Hit and Run with no problem though. Have the same problem on the PC.
posted by Dr. Zira 20 years ago
In "Curious George, Westminster!"
That's awesome, Side Dish! I'm jealous! I was rooting for the Border Collie in the herding group, I was thinking the Bloodhound that won Best In Show in Portland would win. Have Pekingnese always looked like Tribbles or was that one groomed especially...poofy?
posted by Dr. Zira 20 years ago
In "Curious George: Email Glurge"
I get two or three emails a day from the departmental secretary, usually with the aforementioned graphics (Anne Geddes babies in sunflowers, hearts, and angels, and crappy polka-dotted backgrounds). The last bout of flashing smileycons drove me to disable HTML in my email client. Outlook abuse should be punishable by a hell of having to look at emails formatted with nothing but blink tags. The same penalty should be applied to people who forward every stupid joke email/Photoshop gag/urban legend they get. I don't even bother reading subject lines that start with "FW:" anymore.
posted by Dr. Zira 20 years ago
In "The Leonard Nimory Should Eat More Salsa Foundation"
Every once in awhile, we have to get back to our roots, lest we forget the horrors of yesteryear. It's sort of like popping in an old Journey cassette. Unbelievably stupid? Perhaps, but when was the last time you enjoyed papaya salsa? It's not just going to make itself and show up on your doorstep. In the meantime, thanks to the inspiration of Mr. Knickerbocker I'll be working on my Badgers homage called "Salsa Salsa Salsa Salsa...Nimoy! Nimoy!". Okay, maybe not.
posted by Dr. Zira 20 years ago
In "Goodbye, Widget."
I'm so sorry, SideDish. I'm getting all weepy thinking about what you're going through and I hope the pain passes soon to be replaced by happy memories. On a side note, I'd just like to say thanks to SideDish for encouraging us to visit our local animal shelter several months ago when we were looking for a dog. I was sort of hung up on getting a full breed and didn't think we'd find a dog at the pound that was right for us. We ended up adopting a border collie/retriever mix that I never would have otherwise considered. Despite some trying times (he's an escape artist) I have grown to love that dog like a second child. He's an amazing, very loving animal and I can't imagine our family without him. So thanks again for being an advocate for pets in need of adoption and for making a difference.
posted by Dr. Zira 20 years ago
In "MoFi T Shirt Orders"
One large for me.
posted by Dr. Zira 20 years ago
In "Vote for the MoFi Shirt, MoFo's!!!"
Banana USB.
posted by Dr. Zira 20 years ago
In "Vin Diesel Teaches Breakdancing"
I seem to remember reading a Rolling Stone interview with him a few years ago in which he refused to discuss his ethnic background. I assumed it was a professional choice to prevent him from being pidgeonholed by narrow-minded casting directors. I'm less surprised about his ethnicity in this context than I am blown away by how scrawny he looks in that video. Also, those are some scary 80's hootchies. I have a sudden urge to watch "Warriors".
posted by Dr. Zira 20 years ago
In "Ho, Ho............HO."
Please children, scooch closer. Don't make me tell you again about the scooching.
posted by Dr. Zira 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)